So what's the point, then, if we can't be happy? Why are we doing any of this?"" Oh, there's definitely happiness, " Jack said, turning his back on the ocean and looking at her. "But it's just about moments, not ever-afters." He grinned. "Like when you're right in the middle of the ocean with your friends, with no one trying to kill you in any kind of horrifying way. You have to appreciate these moments when they happen, 'cause obviously we don't get many of them. . James Riley
About This Quote

So what's the point, then, if we can't be happy? Why are we doing any of this?” is a line from the novel The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. This novel is the story of a man named Henry who travels through time and ends up meeting his future wife Clare. When he asked her this question, Henry realized that there was no point to their journey. He realized that they were all alone and had no reason to continue on with their journey. However, he also realized that the only thing that was keeping them going was the love they shared. Henry and Clare were in love and that was enough for them to keep going no matter what.

Source: The Half Upon A Time Trilogy: Half Upon A Time; Twice Upon A Time; Once Upon The End

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  3. So what's the plan?” Ben asked.“ Go inside. Look around. Improvise.”“Brilliant." Hi stroked his chin. “Quick question: Is having no plan the same as having a terrible plan, or are those different categories?

  4. Hi's nose was pressed to his window. “I've changed my mind, Tory. This is the perfect place to hold someone prisoner. I'm keeping this on file.

  5. For an hour we talked of Anne and that famous farm on Prince Edward Island. Thus the friendship began.

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